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Welcome to the Heritage & Culture Center!

Home of the Owen County Heritage Museum
the Carnegie Coffee Shoppe & Gift Shop
Carnegie Building Spencer
110 East Market Street
P.O. Box 676
Spencer, Indiana 47460

The Owen County Heritage & Culture Center is a nonprofit organization housed in the historic Spencer Carnegie Library building. We provide a museum with a variety of displays showcasing the heritage and history of Owen County, and a reference/research library collection and reading area. We also offer a coffee shoppe with homemade baked goods, tea, coffee, and hot chocolate, and a gift shop that features a variety of unique and locally-made items, as well as books by local authors (proceeds from coffee/gift shop sales benefit the upkeep of the museum and the building). All of this is in a down-home, relaxed atmosphere, housed in the warm, historic charm of the old library building. No admission fee. Come visit us soon!


Meeting schedule will be announced in the spring.

Our Vision

The Craftsman style Carnegie Library Building was built in 1911 on the Spencer Town square and opened in January 1912. It served as a community library for over 85 years. Document storage for Owen County was to be its use for the next several years.

In 2005, the Owen County Heritage & Culture Center Committee was formed by a group of community leaders with the vision for a county-wide center to celebrate the past, present and future of Owen County.

Carnegie Building Spencer

We are currently closed regular hours for the winter; however, we continue to be open by appointment. Contact Vic Kinney to schedule a visit. We will resume regular open hours in the spring.

Our Mission

The Owen County Heritage & Culture Center strives to bring together the community through the promotion and sharing of our Owen County heritage and culture to enrich our everyday lives. We promote preservation of our artifacts, traditions, arts, crafts, customs and history through workshops, festivals, demonstrations, displays and educational programs.

Join Us!

We need you!! This is a total community project that calls for many hands, ideas, and skills.

If you or your group are interested in helping with this project through volunteer work and/or funding, or would like more information about available programs, please email one of the officers listed below or write to us at P.O. Box 676, Spencer, IN 47460.
Thank You!

Contact Us

President and Museum Curator:
Vic Kinney

Vice President and Gift Shop:
Madi Arnett

Acting Secretary:
Bonnie Tinsley

Al Tinsley

Barbara Filtri

Copyright © 2016 Owen County Heritage and Culture Center
Site design by Barbara Filtri